Helping you feel connected, inspired and fulfilled on your childfree journey

We are Childfree is a storytelling project and community that celebrates and empowers childfree lives

Kate, Berlin, Germany

“I’m really, really living for the first time.”

Blair, London

“I couldn’t have lived the hundred lives I’ve lived if I had a family.”

Caroline, Montfort

“Now I’m postmenopausal, it really is like I’m back to being 12 years old.”

Jana, Berlin

“Don’t stress about biology so much.”

Georgina, Berlin

“I feel that if I truly want to be happy, there's no space in my life for kids.”


“The one thing that breaks my heart it that I won't make my mother a grandmother.”

Marijke, 42, Germany

“We wonder if a child would contribute to our happiness or would make us bump up against our limits.”

Neelke, 32, Belgium

“I have a physical and psychological freedom that I absolutely could not afford if I had children.”

Martina, 33, Italy

“Shout out to all those people who live their lives prioritising their mental health.”


“It can feel lonely, with friends just disappearing as soon as they built their family.”


“Looking back from the age of 56, I see how fulfilling my childfree life as a younger woman was.”

Cat, 56, Australia

“Will I regret or change my mind? I might or I might not.”

Endola, 34, Phillipines

“I felt that to fit in I was going to have to endure the horror of having a child.”

Emily, 28, UK

“I do hate that I feel like I failed at living up to the childfree ideal.”

JoAnna, 46, USA

“I fully knew the risk of my surgery, but quite frankly I was willing to die for it.”


“Never had the desire at any point in my life to have children.”

Cecilia, 43, USA

“The ‘Bible Belt’ taught me I had one option, but being childfree gives me many.”

Savannah, 27, USA


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“My choice to be childfree is important to me, because I have a very special relationship with my body.”


“I am now 75, have never changed my mind and have never even had a broody moment.”


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The We are Childfree podcast celebrates childfree lives, one story at a time.


“It’s great that this community is here to support and cheer each other on, it’s a safe place where we can share our thoughts. I feel less alone because of it.”
“Thank you so much for sharing these stories with everyone. They are giving me permission to live a life of my own creation. So much gratitude for all you do❤️”
“After two years of being part of this community I feel more than okay. I have accepted my path and the fact that others are gonna chose their own and it’s okay. ”
“Thank you for these messages. They are comforting, empowering, and validating. Keep it up!”
“I have discovered my own voice through the stories shared on your platform. I have become more confident in my lifestyle and every story inspires me to stay true to myself. This community has made me feel normal and free to live in my truth.”
“Thank you for the amazing work you do. You are true heroes.”
“Healed so many of my insecurities around being childfree. You bring up subjects that have made me uncomfortable before, and help to wash away those feelings each time.”
“Thank you so much for creating and sustaining this community. Sometimes i have doubts about the wisdom of my choice and you always support me.”
“I am very grateful for your work and the stories and insights you are bringing to the world. Since I found this community and your work I have felt very seen and welcome. Thank you 🌸☘️💛”
“❤️🥹❤️🥹❤️🥹❤️🥹 I am so happy to have found WAC and this amazing community!! Thank you for all that you do!!”
“Your work helps me every day to feel confident and empowered in my choice to remain childfree. You have helped me realise that I’m not ‘broken’ just because I am woman that doesn’t want kids. Thank you x”
“To be honest, WAC has helped me more than therapy!”

“I’m really, really living for the first time.”

Kate, Berlin, Germany

Totes childfree!

Fur babies forever!

Childfree Icon exclusives!


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Episode 36

Help! My coworkers keep asking if I have kids!

How do you deal with colleagues whose watercooler chat is... not cool?

Episode 35

Putting my life first, with Natasha den Dekker

What if you had to chose between your health, your birth family and your children yet to be?

Lisa Jansen, Life done differently

Episode 34

Life done differently, with Lisa Jansen

Living her best solo vanlife!

The Childfree Tea


Bonus Podcast: Ask WAC - How do you decide to be childfree?

We help a fencesitter with their childfree choice!

The Childfree Tea


Bonus Podcast: Ask WAC - Will I regret being childfree?

Everyone says you'll regret your decision - are they right?

We are Childfree episode 33 Sari Botton

Episode 33

Childfree was chosen for me, with Sari Botton

A Gen X icon on finding the “permission” not to be a mother.

We are Childfree episode 32 Getting vulnerable, with Xander Marin

Episode 32

Getting vulnerable, with Xander Marin

How a couple made the childfree choice together, and what it's meant for their life.

We are Childfree podcast episode 31 Cindy Gallop

Episode 31

Life just gets better and better, with Cindy Gallop

The “Michael Bay of business” likes to blow shit up - including society’s expectations for older women!

Laura Zalenga We are Childfree podcast

Episode 30

Dreaming of utopia, with Laura Zalenga

One artist's inspiring vision of a future full of choice and community.

Episode 29

Create a life together, with Melanie Hunter

How does a couple make the childfree choice together?

Eva Zu Beck

Episode 28

Life on your own terms, with Eva zu Beck

The adventure travel icon inspires us to bring our dreams to life.

Episode 27

We're just humans with hormones, with Emma Hollen

What's more responsible than getting a tubal ligation because you know you don't have what it takes to be a good mother?


Newsletter Archive

Every Choice comes with a Consequence

Regret, possible but not likely.

Newsletter Archive

Living up to "the Childfree Ideal"

There's nothing wrong with being "normal"!

Newsletter Archive

Babies in the Office?

It's weird, right?


Report: How does it really feel to be childfree at work?

Insights from over 1000 childfree workers!


“Every childfree person deserves to feel seen, heard and connected to community.”
